My Illustrating partner in crime Jad gave me this concertina sketchbook. I have been saving it until now so as not to destroy it with rubbish inklings. It is now my dream book,to be filled with whatever dreams unfold in the night.Three pages down here is the beginning of something tedious!
I found my signed Larrikin Love cd earlier in my room, i remember the day i got it after an excitable day out in Brighton to a HMV signing with friends. I saw this band about four or five times live, each time more fantastic and sweaty than the last! This was the sound of my teen years
I have been thinking alot about set designs and creative direction of late. After watching A Clockwork Orange, i felt the need to blog about the Moloko Vellocet, the films infamous Milk bar. The set adorned by white mannequins in bright fluorescent wigs that pour milk from their breasts, the surreal set design fits in perfectly with Kubricks vision of Burgess novel.